以丰富历史文化底蕴和卓越服务著称的泉州酒店于2004年荣膺泉州市首家五星级酒店。酒店位于中国历史文化名城泉州的核心商业区,地理位置优越,“时尚购物,近在咫尺”。乘车从酒店到泉州晋江机场只需30分钟。酒店外部美轮美奂,金碧辉煌,充满欧洲古典建筑的风格;内部 装饰典雅华丽,极富现代气息。
“温馨客房,舒适体验”。酒店共有总统套房、豪华商务套房、豪华商务房等各类房型377间(套),装修豪华气派 ,设备设施齐全,设计温馨典雅。凭窗远眺,泉州标志性建筑——东西塔和现代都市的秀丽风光尽收眼底。24小时的客务服务,让您充分享受 泉州酒店的款客浓情。
“豪华气派,专业高雅”。泉州市最大的无柱多功能厅“满江红”和各式会展厅格局工整、设计高雅、装点豪华, 是会议及宴客的绝佳场地。高水平专业服务以及各式精致茶点,造就宾主尽欢、完美会议的典范,深获各界好评。
“中外美食,竞彩斗妍”。融别致与温馨装饰风格为一体的沁园春中餐厅,供应最佳的粤、闽、湘地道风味美食。 无论是亲友聚会还是商务宴请,沁园春中餐厅舒适的用餐氛围和顶级佳肴都将带给您前所未有的完美用餐体验;远风泰餐厅营造雅致的用餐氛 围,由泰国名厨为您精心烹制招牌泰式佳肴,美食荟萃,佳肴琳琅,舒适愉悦,让您无需远赴泰国就能体验到泰国火热激情和原汁原味的泰式 风味美食。
“卓越服务,精铸品牌”。经过十余载的辛勤耕耘,泉酒品牌赢得了国内外宾客的广泛好评,成为泉州市对外开放 ,进行经贸和科学文化交流的一个重要窗口。泉州酒店已成为一颗璀璨明珠,点亮泉州。酒店以“精、细、到位”的服务为经营宗旨,奉行以 人为本的服务理念,为四海宾朋营造“家外之家”的温馨感受。我们真诚地欢迎您的到来。走进泉酒,您到家了。Located in the heart of the famous historical cultural city, Quanzhou Hotel is the first 5-star hotel in Quanzhou. It only takes 30 minutes Quanzhou Hotel to Jingjiang Airport. Quanzhou Hotel has 377 elegant rooms, presidential suites, deluxe business suites deluxe rooms. All rooms were specially designed fthe highest comfort functionality four guests. You also can get a good view of Quanzhou City famous architecture: East West Tower. We will offer meticulous service fyou to enjoy a warm, comfortable happy time. Quanzhou Hotel holds the biggest no-pillar multifunction hall “ManJiangHong” more than ten deluxe conference halls with various standards. The meeting halls in Quanzhou Hotel, with regular structure, elegant design deluxe decoration, are the perfect place fmeeting events treating guests. Quanzhou Hotel has acquired a good reputation in all circles. It had become a traditional venue fmeetings entertainment with high level professional service various exquisite refreshments fhosts guests. Qin Yuan Chun Chinese Restaurant specializes in Cantonese cuisine. It presents an elegant environment special atmosphere, no matter if ffriends relatives’ get-together, fbusiness banquets. The comfortable atmosphere superb catering in Qing Yuan Chun Chinese Restaurant will offer you the perfect venue fyour dinner. Please have a taste of the traditional Thai food drinks prepared by our skillful Thai cook master. Vietnamese, Malaysian Indian dishes are also available. You will find a comfortable atmosphere charming attendants in Yuan Feng Thai Restaurant. After more than a decade of hard work, Quanzhou Hotel has conquered a good reputation. We are proud to present the warm service in the ancient city fyou; you will find a home away home with our meticulous service. We sincerely welcome you to our hotel. A home away home fyou: Quanzhou Hotel.
以丰富历史文化底蕴和卓越服务著称的泉州酒店于2004年荣膺泉州市首家五星级酒店。酒店位于中国历史文化名城泉州的核心商业区,地理位置优越,“时尚购物,近在咫尺”。乘车从酒店到泉州晋江机场只需30分钟。酒店外部美轮美奂,金碧辉煌,充满欧洲古典建筑的风格;内部 装饰典雅华丽,极富现代气息。
“温馨客房,舒适体验”。酒店共有总统套房、豪华商务套房、豪华商务房等各类房型377间(套),装修豪华气派 ,设备设施齐全,设计温馨典雅。凭窗远眺,泉州标志性建筑——东西塔和现代都市的秀丽风光尽收眼底。24小时的客务服务,让您充分享受 泉州酒店的款客浓情。
“豪华气派,专业高雅”。泉州市最大的无柱多功能厅“满江红”和各式会展厅格局工整、设计高雅、装点豪华, 是会议及宴客的绝佳场地。高水平专业服务以及各式精致茶点,造就宾主尽欢、完美会议的典范,深获各界好评。
“中外美食,竞彩斗妍”。融别致与温馨装饰风格为一体的沁园春中餐厅,供应最佳的粤、闽、湘地道风味美食。 无论是亲友聚会还是商务宴请,沁园春中餐厅舒适的用餐氛围和顶级佳肴都将带给您前所未有的完美用餐体验;远风泰餐厅营造雅致的用餐氛 围,由泰国名厨为您精心烹制招牌泰式佳肴,美食荟萃,佳肴琳琅,舒适愉悦,让您无需远赴泰国就能体验到泰国火热激情和原汁原味的泰式 风味美食。
“卓越服务,精铸品牌”。经过十余载的辛勤耕耘,泉酒品牌赢得了国内外宾客的广泛好评,成为泉州市对外开放 ,进行经贸和科学文化交流的一个重要窗口。泉州酒店已成为一颗璀璨明珠,点亮泉州。酒店以“精、细、到位”的服务为经营宗旨,奉行以 人为本的服务理念,为四海宾朋营造“家外之家”的温馨感受。我们真诚地欢迎您的到来。走进泉酒,您到家了。Located in the heart of the famous historical cultural city, Quanzhou Hotel is the first 5-star hotel in Quanzhou. It only takes 30 minutes Quanzhou Hotel to Jingjiang Airport. Quanzhou Hotel has 377 elegant rooms, presidential suites, deluxe business suites deluxe rooms. All rooms were specially designed fthe highest comfort functionality four guests. You also can get a good view of Quanzhou City famous architecture: East West Tower. We will offer meticulous service fyou to enjoy a warm, comfortable happy time. Quanzhou Hotel holds the biggest no-pillar multifunction hall “ManJiangHong” more than ten deluxe conference halls with various standards. The meeting halls in Quanzhou Hotel, with regular structure, elegant design deluxe decoration, are the perfect place fmeeting events treating guests. Quanzhou Hotel has acquired a good reputation in all circles. It had become a traditional venue fmeetings entertainment with high level professional service various exquisite refreshments fhosts guests. Qin Yuan Chun Chinese Restaurant specializes in Cantonese cuisine. It presents an elegant environment special atmosphere, no matter if ffriends relatives’ get-together, fbusiness banquets. The comfortable atmosphere superb catering in Qing Yuan Chun Chinese Restaurant will offer you the perfect venue fyour dinner. Please have a taste of the traditional Thai food drinks prepared by our skillful Thai cook master. Vietnamese, Malaysian Indian dishes are also available. You will find a comfortable atmosphere charming attendants in Yuan Feng Thai Restaurant. After more than a decade of hard work, Quanzhou Hotel has conquered a good reputation. We are proud to present the warm service in the ancient city fyou; you will find a home away home with our meticulous service. We sincerely welcome you to our hotel. A home away home fyou: Quanzhou Hotel.
- 地图
- 街景
泥水/锅炉/木工/水电/配电 [鲤城区]职位描述985 211计算机强校或 海外名校优先
懂信贷业务 或风险管理 监管报送 资产负债等银行业务者优先
需要有一定的数据分析能力和基本的项目管理能力善于控制需求,进行版本范围及项目管理职位关键词需求调研 软件实施 需求管理3200-3400元/月·13薪 5年学历不限
酒店前厅礼宾员 [鲤城区]职位描述985 211计算机强校或 海外名校优先
懂信贷业务 或风险管理 监管报送 资产负债等银行业务者优先
需要有一定的数据分析能力和基本的项目管理能力善于控制需求,进行版本范围及项目管理职位关键词需求调研 软件实施 需求管理3000-3400元/月·13薪 经验不限中技/中专
酒店餐饮洗碗工数名 [鲤城区]职位描述985 211计算机强校或 海外名校优先
懂信贷业务 或风险管理 监管报送 资产负债等银行业务者优先
需要有一定的数据分析能力和基本的项目管理能力善于控制需求,进行版本范围及项目管理职位关键词需求调研 软件实施 需求管理3000-3300元/月·13薪 经验不限学历不限
- 行业餐饮
- 性质国有企业
- 规模500~1000人
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